Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Scribblenauts Unlimited 3DS Review

Scriblenauts Unlimited is the third title in the Scribblenauts series. The objective of the Scribblenauts games is to complete levels and puzzles by summoning objects/persons/fantasy monster/weapons with the primary character Maxwell's magical notebook e.g. Quest 'make a potion for the witch, so she can have a romantic date with the troll" Object 1: snail, 2: flower 3:candy. The ability to add adjectives allows you to convert the attributes/personality of the objects,e.g. making people happy=evil or evil=friendly, creating great humour. The series' slogan is 'Endless Possibilities, Imagine Anything, Explore Everything",it believes the only limitation is your imagination, which is partially true, although the lack of the Object Editor in the 3DS version, causes a prevented imagination to the user. Another disappointment was the level of difficultly and I found far less challenging than the previous titles suggesting it may be aimed at children with his cartoony style although it's still rated a PEGI 12 for violence.

 This version of Scribblenauts includes popular Nintendo characters/items such as Mario or Link or a Invincibility Star or Master Sword unlike its predecessors.  Since it was released in the USA nearly 1 year 1/2 ago, they are many edits to the European versions since it doesn't include internet memes such as Nyan Cat or Rickroll anymore after the creator of Nyan Cat sued Warner Bros, which could have created a more enjoyable experience.

Buy the game: 

+Creativity is almost unlimited
+Intriguing puzzles
+Nintendo Characters

-Less challenging than previous titles
-No internet memes
-Less unlimited than believed



  1. May I also add a Pro, it helps with spelling general. Make you think of how you have to spell the words.

  2. That is always a good thing Heidi, I agree. If it is a game too then everyone is a winner!

    Ms F
