TED is a variety of educational talks about 'Ideas Worth Spreading" as it's slogan says, from
Can Video Games Make Kids Smarter? to a
North Korean refugee, now living in the USA who lost his family during the country's famine. The topics range from entertainment to global issues. TED Talks have been hosted by ordinary people to YouTubers. From Microsoft co-founder and billionaire
Bill Gates to world-renowned
Professor Stephen Hawking to
Michael Stevens (Vsauce). The channel is great since it features a range of interesting topics, allowing you to gain detailed insights into today's world society's interests and issues, in a manner which is attractive to adults and knowledgable students.
Other good TED talks:
TED Talks is an inspirational site Calum.
ReplyDeleteOne of my favourites is Adora Svetak talking about what adults can learn from kids
Ms F