Saturday, 1 February 2014

Riddlesdown Digital Leaders - Subject Blog Challenge

Over the course of the next couple of months our blossoming bloggers here at Riddlesdown will be completing blogging challenges.  They will be researching and recommending digital tools, apps and sites for various subjects.  Each of our wonderful student Digital Leaders will be producing short snappy blog posts about their top recommendation/s for your subject.

So teachers and students alike - stay tuned!

The schedule of topics is below for your perusal.

Thursday 6th of February - English
Thursday 13th of February - Maths
Thursday 27th of February - Science
Thursday 6th of March - Modern Foreign Languages
Thursday 13th March - Geography
Thursday 20th March - History
Thursday 27th March - PE
Thursday 3rd April - Art


  1. Already trying to look up some cool apps.
    Although cant seem to find where i have put them on my window 8 Screen.

  2. The pieces you are producing are really great so far! Keep up the great work!
